The Virtuous Circle of Gratitude


As we make our way through this pandemic many are continuing to focus on what they are thankful for and what they appreciate. 

It reminds me of the work of Tony Schwartz exploring thankfulness, appreciation, and gratitude.  Tony Schwartz is the CEO and founder of The Energy Project and has also trained and coached CEOs and senior leaders at major organizations including Apple and the Cleveland Clinic.

In his writings about gratitude, he mentions that “encouraging an atmosphere of gratitude starts with us [leaders].”  At the most basic level, team members need to know that they’re valued.  Team members that are cared for by their leaders and are encouraged to develop and express their talents are more loyal.  More loyalty means less turnover and the costs associated with it.  When gratitude is cultivated internally in an organization, the next natural step is to express it outwardly by giving back to the community in some way.   Team members that are adding value to the world find more meaning and satisfaction in their work.

The easiest place to start is with you.  Shift your attention slightly to focus on what you can appreciate, embrace, and celebrate.  Notice the best in others, cultivate nobility in the every day, and take time to reflect on your purpose.  That energy you generate will prove to be infectious.  The more we express our gratitude and add value to the world, the more we add value to our organizations, and this becomes a “virtuous circle.”

"Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude.  Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words.  Gratitude is shown in acts." 

— Henri Frederic Amiel

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Golden Launch Creative is a Squarespace design agency that provides web development services and high-end, limited-edition Squarespace website templates.

Being a Resilient Leader